
Month: November 2019

Tribute to a Century of Broadcasting

On the 100th anniversary of broadcast radio it’s still possible to hear an AM radio station on all 118 AM North American Medium Wave channels…

No Propaganda Will Be Broadcast: The Rise and Demise of Australian Military Broadcasting

By Martin HadlowMedia International AustraliaNo. 150 — February 2014 Radio broadcasting has played an important role as a medium of information, news and entertainment for…

Lure of the Trail – Programme 11 – Lake Waikaremoana

NZ Department of Tourist & Publicity, 1939 In the late 1930s the New Zealand Department of Tourist and Publicity produced a series of radio programmes…

Australian A.M. Radio History : Free eBook Edition

The author of the book “Australian Radio History”, Bruce Carty, writes to us: “My health has resulted in having to cease my research. The last…

Te Aroha Sleep Radio 2019

A Te Aroha radio station is sending more than 40,000 people worldwide to sleep Sharnae Hope Almost all of John Watson’s audience nods off to…

RIAS Berlin

Enjoy this 1994 short two-part film, produced by Deutsche Welle TV, about the West Berlin radio station, RIAS (Rundfunk im amerikanischen Sektor) The history of…

American Forces Network Radio (1950-2012)

Sit back and enjoy this 15 minute YouTube presentation featuring snippets of AFN stations from around the world, from 1950 to 2012. Many thanks to…

Self Help are Cheaper! Cheaper! Cheaper! – Classic NZ Supermarket Commercials from the 1960s

If you were growing up in New Zealand in the 1960s, and listened to any commercial radio at all, chances are you will remember the…

MAF’s Metric Moments : 14 Tales for Radio by Bill White

The lighter side of farm metrics with MAF’s Bill White. In 1972 New Zealand was changing to using the metric system of measurements. To aid…

Tuning in Radio Sarawak – Historic Film from 1961

The website of the Imperial War Museums contains this rare 1961 film about Radio Sarawak in Malaya. The film description reads: Information film about the…

Lure of the Trail – Programme 10 – Auckland

NZ Department of Tourist & Publicity, 1939 Posters for early air services to Auckland. Images from In the late 1930s the New Zealand Department…