Radio Heritage Store © Top 50 Pacific Radio Books

Top 50 Pacific Radio Books List.

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Secret War in Shanghai

Making Radio: A Practical Guide to Working in Radio in the Digital Age

The Showman of the Pacific – 50 Years of Radio and Rock Stars

Wireless and Empire: Geopolitics, Radio Industry and Ionosphere in the British Empire, 1918-1939

The Media and Communications in Australia

Treason on the Airwaves: Three Allied Broadcasters on Axis Radio during World War II

Pearl Harbor Redefined: U.S.N. Radio Intelligence in 1941

Champagne and Caviar: A Radio Man’s Dreams, Challenges, and Adventures

Another Thousand Radio Replies, Third Volume, Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station, Sydney, Australia

Broadcasting Pluralism and Diversity: A Comparative Study of Policy and Regulation

Changing Stations: The Story of Australian Commercial Radio

Appropriation of Colonial Broadcasting: A History of Early Radio in the Philippines, 1922-1946

A Yank Down Under: From America’s Heartland to Australia’s Outback

American Radio in China: International Encounters with Technology and Communications, 1919-41

Developing Dialogues: Indigenous and Ethnic Community Broadcasting in Australia

The A to Z of Australian Radio and Television

Talkback: Emperors of Air

When Radio Was the Cat’s Whiskers

Radio Fidelity: Story of Angus Tait and an Industry Sparked by Loyalty

Mekim Nius: South Pacific Media, Politics and Education

The Radio Years: A History of Broadcasting in New Zealand (Volume One)

Voices in the Wilderness: Images of Aboriginal People in the Australian Media

The Death of Broadcasting: Media’s Digital Future

Community Broadcasting: Concept and Practice in the Philippines

The Magic Spark: The story of the first fifty years of Radio in Australia

The Shoestring Pirates

Radio Happy Isles: Media and Politics at Play in the Pacific

Voice and Vision Volume 2: History of Broadcasting in New Zealand

Broadcasting in Asia and the Pacific

The Golden Age of Australian Radio Drama

Radio Wars: Truth, Propaganda and the Struggle for Radio Australia

Broadcasting in Papua New Guinea

The Media: A new analysis of the press, television, radio, and advertising in Australia

Japan’s radio war on Australia, 1941-1945

Something in the air: A history of radio in Australia

Radio in Australia

The Seawatchers: The story of Australia’s Coast Radio

Voices in the Air: Radio Broadcasting in New Zealand

National Broadcasting Under Siege: A Comparative Study of Australia, Britain, Israel, and West Germany

Wonderful wireless: Reminiscences of the stars of Australia’s live radio

A History of Radio in South Australia, 1897-1977

Golden Days of Radio

Voices of the Bush – Country Australia on ABC Radio

Broadcasting in Australia

The Country’s Finest Hour: Fifty Years of Rural Broadcasting in Australia

Television in New Zealand: Programming the Nation

The World’s Din: Listening to records, radio and fllms in New Zealand 1880–1940

Henare Te Ua

I Was Just a Radioman

ZB: The Voice of an Iconic Radio Station

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