PBS in the Philippines on Shortwave
During its more than three quarters of a century of on air shortwave service, PBS, the Philippine Broadcasting Service has always been quite tenuous, even at its very best. Radio Philippinas, the shortwave service of the Voice of the Philippines, has at times been dependent upon borrowed facilities and donated equipment, sometimes quite old, and sometimes no longer reliable.
Voice of America Relay Station at Tinang in the Philippines
The fourth VOA relay station in the Philippines is the large and powerful station that is located at Tinang, some 50 miles north of the national capital, Manila, on the main island of Luzon.
The Original Radio Saigon
In the Summer of the year 1928, Mr. Joseph de la Pommeraya, representing the newly organized Franco-Indochinese Radio Company in Saigon, approached the Director of the French Radio-Electric Society in Haussman Boulevard in Paris with a request to buy a 12 kW shortwave transmitter for installation in Saigon…
Japan’s only shortwave station still in business after 80 years
Standing tall and proud over an area of 1 million square meters or so, a forest of steel towers in two-tone red and white is the dominant feature under the blue sky against the backdrop of Mount Tsukubasan. This is KDDI Corp.’s Yamata Transmitting Station, the nation’s only facility broadcasting shortwave radio programs to overseas listeners.
Radio Malaysia Celebrates 75 Years
A recent email message from Jose Jacob VU2JOS in India alerts us to the fact that Radio Malaysia celebrated its 75th anniversary on April 1…
On the Radio: Bacolod City, Philippines, 2004
Enjoy a selection of FM radio stations in Bacolod City, Philippines, recorded by David Miller during April 2004. © Radio Heritage Foundation, David Miller Collection
AFTN Taiwan Audio Clip
Until 1979 Armed Forces Radio had a station in Taiwan called Armed Forces Taiwan Network (AFTN). In earlier years AFTN was known as Armed Forces…
Jeypore AIR station has listeners not only in India but abroad also
Post News Network: February 21st, 2020 Jeypore: It is not a very popular method of entertainment anymore since the advent of TV and more importantly…
Tuning in Radio Sarawak – Historic Film from 1961
The website of the Imperial War Museums contains this rare 1961 film about Radio Sarawak in Malaya. The film description reads: Information film about the…
Love Radio Finds Niche in Shanghai
Since 2005, Love Radio FM103.7 has been playing the best of Chinese and international pop By James CarelessRadioWorldJuly 2019 SHANGHAI — Located on China’s Pacific…
Family FM 99.5 Cambodia
Family FM 99.5, located in Phnom Penh is happy to be the first station in Cambodia to install one of Nautel’s new GV line of transmitters. FEBC International association member FEBCambodia, working with the support of FEBC’s International Support Team chose the new GV line primarily because of its high efficiency.
Retro Radio Dial: 1953 Japan Radio
Share your own memories of Japan Radio kc Station Location Mediumwave 540 JOCZ Takayama JOOC Obihiro 560 JOCR Kobe 570 JOIK Sapporo 580 JOHF…
Early Chinese Radio in Peking
Due to the absence of any local stations, residents with radios in Peking were not able to receive any transmissions except at night, when they could usually tune-in to broadcasts from the Shanghai and Tientsin concessions. Despite these limitations, radios were in demand amongst Peking’s expatriate community and were good business for the importers.
Chinese Local Radio in the 1930s
The Orient opens its heart to radio and in the footsteps of the American listening public, succumbs to the appeal of native amateur hour artists….
Japan AM Radio Dial 1941
During 1941, Japanese radio audiences had almost 50 local AM radio stations they could listen to for a large part of each broadcasting day. In…
India FM Radio – Abuzz With Activity
The year gone by was a time when years of hard work and patience finally paid off for the radio industry in India. It was…
Shanghai Radio Dial 1941
In July 1940, TIME magazine featured a story about Carroll Duard Alcott, an American who broadcast from Shanghai radio station XMHA. The story captures the…
Vietnam Village Radio
By Dennis List I first visited Vietnam in early 1997, working for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on an aid project to help modernize radio there….
Tokyo Rose Broadcasts
by James Wood Major Cousens had become friendly with Iva Togura, a Japanese-American girl, who, stranded and unable to return to California, had found some…