David Ricquish Signs Off
It is with great sadness that we report that David Ricquish passed away at his home in Wellington, New Zealand, on September 23, 2024, after battling ongoing health issues for several years.
David initiated the Radio Heritage Collection project in 1999 which the Foundation took over, and was the founding chairman. David had been involved with radio in New Zealand since the 1970s in a number of roles including presenting radio documentaries and news programs carried by Radio Australia and Radio New Zealand International. He had worked in the tourism and TV industries both in New Zealand and the USA, published a large number of radio articles (both heritage and contemporary) and was active in a wide range of global radio heritage issues including leading the RHF project maintaining and updating the Pacific content of the annual World Radio TV Handbook.
David was also a keen DXer and long-time member of the New Zealand Radio DX League. His keen interest was in medium-wave DX and his QSL collection is now on our website. His DXer profile can be read by clicking here.
Remembering David through the years:
RIP David