From David’s Desk: Issue 14
June 21 2006
Monthly Top 20 Stories
As the number of stories being added increases, we’ve moved from our Top 10 to a monthly Top 20 list of the most viewed stories on the site.
These reflect actual pageviews by visitors to the site, who now number almost 500 daily. They tend to favor recent stories, but some stand the test of time such as Collecting Classic Radios and Art of Radio ©.
Use the stories index to find many others, or do a search of the entire website to find what you’re looking for from our stories, columns, images, and radio guides.
June 16 2006
Art of Radio Japan Children’s Art Competition
Winner Announced
Heidi Ellis, winner of the Children’s Art Competition, was awarded a framed certificate and a prize for her entry at a recent ceremony held at the Japanese Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand.
The judges were very impressed with her colorful entry, based on her interpretation of a Japanese temple garden, and including TNX FR UR QSL wording.
The design was also remarkably like the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary watertower in Wellington, and this local link between Japan and New Zealand was exactly what the judges were looking for. All entries came from the Wellington region as the competition was held in association with the recent exhibition in Wellington.
The judges [Ms Keiko Furuta, Director, Japan Information & Cultural Centre and Dr Jo Del Monaco, Radio Heritage Foundation board member] were delighted with the quality of all entries and agreed that a new nationwide Children’s Art Competition would take place around the middle of 2006. More details coming soon.
The Art of Radio Japan Exhibition was held December 1 2005 – February 28 2006 at the Japan Information & Cultural Centre, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Exhibition is now available for touring within New Zealand and Australia during 2006-07.
For information, please contact the Radio Heritage Foundation.
New Grace Gibson Studios Opened
The newly-renovated and equipped studios of British Australian Programs Pty Ltd, now owned by Grace Gibson and located at the City Mutual Building, 60 Hunter-st, Sydney, were formally opened April 29, marking a twofold celebration for the Grace Gibson organisation.
The second celebration was for the 612th episode of Dr Paul, the top-rating day program (Lever Bros, 48 stations nationally) – the first recording to be made in the new studio. > read more
Shortwave Radio Station Guide Updated
The second edition of Bruce Portzer’s Shortwave PAL [Pacific Asian Log] is now on-line, with all the current seasonal frequency changes.
You can search by location, country and frequency, and you’ll find all sorts of useful information from shortwave radio stations in Asia and the Pacific.
Whether you’re a worldband or shortwave radio listener, frequent traveler in the region, or a broadcaster, this radio station guide gives you the latest details in an easy to use format.
Like the Mediumwave PAL, the Shortwave version covers the region from Afghanistan eastwards to Alaska and Hawaii, and includes Australia, New Zealand, China, the islands of the Pacific and all of Asia.
With this new edition, a downloadable pdf version is now available. > read more

Long Lost Radio History Image
SIBS “Pop Inn!” in 1960’s Honiara
During the late 1960’s, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Service hosted a disc show called ‘Pop Inn!’ every Wednesday night at the Honiara Community Centre. > read more
Long Lost Radio History Image
Dr Paul, Popular Radio Serial
‘Dr Paul’ was widely broadcast across both Australia and New Zealand in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. > read more
Long Lost Radio History Image
AES Auckland
For nine months during 1944, the NZ Broadcasting Service light music station 1ZM was handed over to the Armed Forces Radio Service. > read more
Koalas, Kangaroos & Kiwis – The Australian Radio Listener Clubs
by David Ricquish
A social phenomenon of the early days of radio was the listeners club that many stations established. As a means to build a loyal audience they were highly successful, and usually developed around women listeners, and children. > read more

Meg McSpeerin’s 2CH Women’s League
The 2CH Women’s League was formed by Amalgamated Wireless (Aust/Asia) Limited on Station 2CH in July 1935.
The objective is to give the home women the opportunity to take part in organised sports, home crafts, etc., and allocated thirty minutes radio programme, 9:30am to 10:00am to promote the organisation.
Meg McSpeerin has organised the Women’s League and conducted this programme for thirty-two years, from 1935 to the present day. Thirty-eight thousand women have joined the Women’s League > read more

© Jan Davis Collection.