Inside the Green and Yellow Contest

We present the “63rd Green and Yellow Contest – CVA”

Our correspondent in Brazil, for RHF Martin Butera PT2ZDX/LU9EFO, had access to PT2CVA, the official broadcaster of the famous Brazilian “Verde Amarelo” contest, organized by the Brazilian army communications school.

It is the first time that a Radio Heritage Foundation correspondent has access to the Brazilian Army communication school, we deal with all the topics related to radio, so enjoy the article that contains many photographs and a large number of video links.

Most radio amateurs know what contests are.

In general, the contests contain similar rules, the vast majority is that in a period of time, the stations operated by one or more radio amateurs try to make as many contacts as possible within that period, and according to the regulations they must search for countries, distances, locations or regions to multiply your points according to the rules of the competition.

Of course, the best-known contests worldwide are those sponsored by CQ magazine, they are: CQWPX and CQWW.

But of course there are other different and curious contests around the world, today I invite you to learn about one of the most important contests that take place in Brazil, South America, the “Verde e Amarelo” contest.

The Green and Yellow Contest in Portuguese “Verde e Amarelo” or simply CVA, is a competition between civil and military radio amateurs, held annually, for more than 60 years, by the CRAEC (Clube de Radiomadores da Escola de Comunicações).

The CRAEC (Clube de Radioamadores da Escola de Comunicaçõe), was founded on October 12, 1955 with the mission of promoting amateur radio activities among the members of the School, as well as the integration of the Army with Brazilian Radio Amateurs.

The CVA Contest always takes place the third weekend of August in CW mode and the fourth weekend of August in SSB mode.

Previously, the CVA contest was restricted to Brazilian stations, but as of 2011, the contest opened its doors to foreign radio amateurs and since then the contest has been gaining ground on the international stage.

The CVA was officially incorporated into the Soldier’s Week celebrations in 1972, with the aim of promoting cooperation between radio amateurs and civil and military radio amateur associations around the world.

Without a doubt, the CVA is one of the biggest radio parties in Brazil, where military and civilians participate together, being one of the most traditional contests and one of the most important and expected activities of Brazilian amateur radio.

Throughout more than half a century of contests, it demonstrates the affection and enthusiasm that the Brazilian Army has for Brazilian and world radio amateurs.

Welcome to the CVA Contest !!

Contest opening

I had the opportunity to attend both modalities of the event, which take place on different dates.

The opening of the 63rd “Verde e Amarelo” contest, in the CW mode, began as scheduled on the date (2022/08/20) at 21:00 (UTC).

It was in charge of Colonel Fernandes (PT2IW), a veteran of the class of 1972, one of the oldest and most present telegraph operators in its various editions of the contest.

The first contact recorded in the log was from colleague Roberto da Costa Santos (PY4ARS), from the city of Cambuquira, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Videos of Colonel Fernandes (PT2IW), in his first official call of the contest

The opening of the 63rd “Verde e Amarelo” contest, in the (SSB) modality, started as scheduled on the date (08/27/2022), at 21:00 (UTC).

This opening was more than emotional, when the Military and Radio Amateur Mr. Pedro Paulo (Head of Information Technologies and Communications of the Department of Science and Technology), made his first call and on the other side answered Mrs. Therezinha Félix, 93 years old, wife of retired Colonel Félix, former commander of the School of Communications, thus starting the contest.

Videos of the Official Ceremony of the “Verde e Amarelo” Contest, modality (SSB)
Mr. Pedro Paulo (Head of Information and Communication Technologies of the Department of Science and Technology), making the first official call to inaugurate the “Verde e Amarelo” 2022 contest.
Videos of Mr. Pedro Paulo (Head of Information and Communication Technologies of the Department of Science and Technology), opening the contest
More videos of the action inside the official PT2CVA station, during the “Verde e Amarelo” contest
Our correspondent Martín Butera PT2ZDX, calling as part of the PT2CVA team

Inside the official station PT2CVA

Every year a special tent is set up inside the army communications school, located in Brasilia DF (Capital of Brazil).

In the shack tent we can see 3 different positions, the first one with a yaesu FT 2000 transmitter, next to a VL 1000 amplifier, the second position we can see a Yaesu FTDX3000 transmitter, next to another VL 1000 amplifier and the last one another Yaesu transmitter FDX3000, plus an Ameritrion AL80B amplifier, of course all stations can work at the same time.

The system of antennas arranged in the different towers are: Dipole 160 Mts, Dipole 80 Mts, Directional 2 elements 40 Mts, Direction for 20 Mts, 15 Mts and 10 Mts.

General view of the antennas located in the communications school of the Brazilian Army, in Brasilia DF (Capital of Brazil)
General view of the different towers and antennas located in the communications school of the Brazilian Army, in Brasília DF (Capital of Brazil)
Video of the Antennas and inside the official station PT2CVA
The integrated participation of civilian radio amateurs with the military

For the third year (2019-2021 and 2022), the army has been operating its official station PT2CVA, with the help of members of the UBRO (Brazilian Union of Radio Operators).

This is a civil association founded on 06/13/2013 that aims to promote brotherhood and cooperation between radio operators and associates.

UBRO provides public utility services to the community, especially in cases of calamities or public catastrophes.

UBRO arose from the idea of a group of friends from southern Brazil to create a club that would unite radio operators from all over Brazil, in addition to participating in various national and international contests.

The participating UBRO members came from several different regions of Brazil: Rodrigo Gonçalves (PP5BT – founding member of UBRO), together with Edinei Cirilo (PU5ETC), Valmiré da Silveira Ouriques (PU5ADF), Mario C. O. Montemezzo (PY5JR), Paulo Ricardo de Oliveira Toledo (PY3DX), José Osvaldo Figueiredo Araújo (PY9BR) and Leonardo Sena (PT2ZM).

This year also joined the official station PT2CVA, an operator from ARPI (Associação de Radioamadores do Piauí), the colleague: Nelson de Almeida Costa Filho (PS8NF) and the external collaboration of Ed Francisco Freitas (PS7DX), in charge of Logcheck since his site

The President and Vice President of LABRE DF (Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão – Brasília Federal District), Mr. Gustavo de Faria Franco (PT2ADM) and Orlando Pérez Filho (PT2OP) were also invited, thus being a real exchange between civilians and military, which not only occurs in the air, but also physically at the official station.

Martín Butera PT2ZDX, taking an exclusive tour of PT2CVA
News within the Contest

This 2022, was the second year that the contest incorporates the so-called “Top Band”, the 160 Mts, which generates great joy for Brazilian and world radio amateurs, who work with this band.

And it is not only that, also since last year there is a new category called “Single Operator – Tri-Band: 10, 80 and 160 Mts”, within which there are LP (up to 100W) and HP (above 100W) subcategories. and up to 1500W).

This new category facilitates and encourages the participation of class C radio amateurs, in this way each class will be able to compete under equal conditions, according to power.

In addition to the incorporation of one more category and the 160 Mts, there is something much more interesting for those who want to compete for the first place in the different categories.

According to article No. 5 of the regulation, each Brazilian state corresponds to a multiplier for each gang contacted. With the addition of 160 meters, this adds up to another 27 possible multipliers.

But be careful if you use the N1MM program, the stations with messages or Exchange, “MIL, YL, TEEN, FD, MIL, QRP, HQ or RB” are not being counted as multipliers, but in the CVA contest calculation program, normally count as multipliers, for more information visit the rules:

A good idea to take advantage of the contest

The activity of radio amateurs is very important and the Brazilian Army knows this, which is why the contest is also used in order to test the different military bell stations distributed throughout Brazil.

It is a way to test the military radio operation among civilian radio amateurs in Brazil and around the world. Participating military members experiment with alternative sources of electrical power, operate fixed, mobile and portable equipment and test their prowess on both fone and CW.

The different military stations that participate in the contest are registered and specially selected and then an analysis of the data reported by the Intelligence Section of the Brazilian Army is made.

This procedure aims to facilitate the use of military and civilian radio amateurs in emergency situations.

Don’t forget to add the great CVA to your world contest calendar!

We repeat the CVA Contest is always held the third weekend of August in CW mode and the fourth weekend of August in SSB mode.

The main objective is to make the largest number of contacts within 24 hours, of each modality.

ou can consult the rules (in three available languages English, Spanish and Portuguese), in the following link:

Final Thanks

On behalf of the RHF, I would like to thank all the soldiers present, who received us with excellence: Division General Paulo Sérgio (Head of ICT at DCT), Brigadier General Corrêa Filho (Commander of CCOMGEX), Lieutenant Colonel Ênio (Commander of EsCom), Captain Santiago (CRAEC President), Lieutenant Braccini (CRAEC Vice President), Lieutenant Rebelo (CRAEC IT Director), Second Lieutenant Glauber (PT2AC – CRAEC Technical Director), Second Lieutenant Belchior (Deputy Commander of the EsCom Commander).

I also want to thank the civilians who are collaborating with the contest.

They are the comrades from UBRO (Brazilian Union of Radio Operators), who were present at another “Verde e Amarelo”.

Our friend Martín PT2ZDX, receives from the hands of Rodrigo Gonçalves (PP5BT – founding member of UBRO), a certificate as Member of UBRO (Brazilian Union of Radio Operators), for his outstanding participation as a radio amateur in Brazil
Special catering for PT2CVA operators, organized by the Brazilian Army

Lastly, I would like to highlight the excellent reception and organization by the Brazilian Communications Army, they placed a catering of hot and cold drinks, along with meals, throughout the 24 hours of the contest, they also prepared special rooms where we could rest doing operational relays.

A short video of the Moment of Relaxation, shared between civilians and military, inside the official station PT2CVA

Museum of the Communications School of the Brazilian Army

Finally, I would also like to share some photographs of a small museum that exists within the corridors (corridors) of the Communications School, with pieces and photographs, very well preserved, demonstrating the love they have for the radio and the history within the Brazilian Army.

I say goodbye until the next contest “Verde e Amarelo” – Martín Butera PT2ZDX / LU9EFO

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