New Zealand Broadcasting Press Clippings Scrapbook 1994-1996

The late Mark Nicholls kept a series of scrapbooks containing newspaper and magazine clippings relating to the broadcasting scene in New Zealand. These books provide an interesting look back at NZ broadcasting at the time.

You can browse the interactive PDF-based book below (you can click on the articles to view in more detail), or use the direct links to the articles listed below

Clippings included:

  1. Trackside Please adjust your set
  2. Facing the brave new world of broadcasting
  3. Shy and retiring Kim Hill
  4. Your Song
  5. Your Song
  6. Racing channel starts without Sky
  7. Tourist Information FM
  8. Students speak to astronaut
  9. Nippon air
  10. Radio changes
  11. Hosking likely host of Morning Report
  12. New radio station
  13. Trackside on UHF
  14. Call for rise in TV radio fee
  15. New transmitter for Sunshine Bay
  16. CTV to continue news and sport links with TVNZ
  17. CTV may lose tenancy of studio building
  18. Classic Hits 1000
  19. Options aired for proposed Maori TV channel
  20. Sacked announcer makes point with can
  21. Radio J Wave airs to Japanese in the alps
  22. Radio sale showdown
  23. Radios heyday from the crystal set era
  24. Radios biggest celebrity
  25. Newstalk ZB schedule
  26. Kiwi radio fans a world apart but on same wavelength
  27. More FM Office Shout
  28. Broadcasting tenders soon
  29. NZ On Air
  30. Bad day for president
  31. NZ born actress broadcaster dies
  32. Radio Spectrum Tender 6
  33. Q92FM A First Year Turn Up
  34. 92 Hour Celebration
  35. First steps toward RNZ sale confirmed
  36. Newstalk ZB
  37. More FM golf
  38. C93FM windsurf reports
  39. Pam Corkery have a go
  40. C93FM office shouts
  41. Scouts on air
  42. RNZ still tops ratings
  43. Radio NZ sell off likely next year
  44. Radio operators mark historic broadcast
  45. Chris Diack Radio is his hobby habit and passion
  46. Iwi FM caters for all tastes
  47. Tourists own radio
  48. RNZ technician
  49. RNZ 0900 Infoline
  50. Tender
  51. BBC set to improve reception
  52. Radios future is it all talk
  53. Susies back on breakfast,jpg
  54. Letters
  55. BBC apologies to loyal listenership
  56. Kids TV staff cut
  57. BBC World Service mourned
  58. Rhema cuts staff
  59. BBC World Service may resume in NZ
  60. BBC off NZ air over contract dispute
  61. Radio Pacific records strong first half
  62. National Radio updates image
  63. Radio Otago group leads
  64. Singing out load and clear in radios early days
  65. New radio station in place of BBC
  66. Cartoon
  67. Saving America from the liberals
  68. Regional revival
  69. Yvonne back on air
  70. Frequency use up in air
  71. More radio choice in Central
  72. Trees tune in to radio waves
  73. PSA wants consultation on Radio NZ sale proposals
  74. Morse Code language of worldwide chats
  75. Radio man in tune with the world
  76. Television has changed lives
  77. Classic Hits FM
  78. NewstalkZB Speights Coast to Coast
  79. Pacific profits via air waves
  80. MoreFM Cash Song
  81. The liberty sell
  82. Out of service
  83. Wake-up call
  84. Bazza bright and early
  85. MoreFM Lets celebrate
  86. Freedom matters to new station
  87. C93FM Classic Rock
  88. Man in Blue Revealed
  89. Radio NZs Chch chief loses job in revamp
  90. Hes here to stay
  91. Radio Pacific prepared to double capital
  92. Potential bidders
  93. Striking the jackpot
  94. Maori Pakeka and New Zealander
  95. Radio flagship sails into third decade
  96. The brat is back
  97. Peter Sinclair plays classic love songs
  98. No hard rock
  99. C93FM Warriors Hour
  100. RNZ radio schedules
  101. Overseas interest in RNZ
  102. Resort Radio No 1
  103. Safeguard for town radio in sales bill
  104. Australian company eyeing RNZ stations
  105. Background Music Radio
  106. Sliced bread
  107. More women listen to us
  108. Budding buskers
  109. Radio Liberty off air
  110. Let there be lite
  111. 1323 Tall poppies
  112. RNZ sell off
  113. Resort 99FM
  114. Radio Dunedin
  115. Morse code still has place with amateurs
  116. Christian channel unveils plans
  117. BBC World Service funds cut opposed
  118. Publishing push for Radio Pacific
  119. Broadcaster bows out
  120. Kens leaving
  121. i94.5 pussycat
  122. Dave Dobbyn Rocks the Rugby
  123. Face up to Richard Loe
  124. NZ radio technician picked up Japanses surrender
  125. Radio decision is timely illogical
  126. Radio Rolls-Royce
  127. BBC World Service back
  128. Levy Holmes in RNZ bid
  129. OReilly confirms interest in Radio NZ
  130. Radio Otago profit eroded
  131. NewstalkZB
  132. MoreFM pay cheque
  133. Passion for vintage radios displayed at Edendale
  134. Investment firm to advise on radio sale
  135. Radio Pacific cash
  136. NZ On Air report
  137. Chch to get BBC service
  138. Radio stations change premises
  139. Radio Pacific listen for cash
  140. 91ZM Believe it or not
  141. Radio Pacific profit in same band
  142. Radio Ferrymead nostalgia
  143. MoreFM cash songs
  144. Remember the smell of wet flannel
  145. MPs want radio site
  146. Announcer back
  147. Station goes off air
  148. Station short lived
  149. Beatles only radio station to start in Chch
  150. Recording human history
  151. Shock jocks push limits
  152. See Neil Diamand in Sydney with Newstalk ZB
  153. Radio listings
  154. Shakeup on the way for NZ radio
  155. Private radioland
  156. Decision on first commercial radio bid
  157. CTV Stretch your horizon
  158. Radio bid raises warning on crossmedia issue
  159. Radio stations sold
  160. Tiny firm builds AM radio transmitters
  161. Local FM also in reach
  162. RNZ sale date mid May
  163. Now red hot new rock C93FM
  164. British radio company in deal with MDC
  165. The price of liberty
  166. Maori groups delay RNZ sale with appeal
  167. We play rugby the way we always have
  168. Now radio advertising in Queenstown is nothing but sliced bread
  169. Teenage transmissions
  170. XFM
  171. Newstalk ZB
  172. Going once going twice
  173. Radio sale appeal dismissed
  174. To the Max
  175. Amateur radio operator signs off SAR work
  176. The Morning Crew 91ZM
  177. Civil proceedings against radio company settled
  178. Otago Daily Times
  179. Then along came Jack
  180. Breaking the sound barrier
  181. Where does your broadcasting fee go
  182. Hocken Library NZRDXL archives
  183. Announcer dared to be bare on the air for charity
  184. Govt pledges to safeguard BBC World Service radio
  185. Wanaka programme launched
  186. Internet gives Asian radio global coverage
  187. Pacific is ready to try try again
  188. Southland and regional television
  189. On air campaign by MP
  190. All that jazz
  191. Fifeshire Broadcasters takeover refused
  192. Linwood students hit the airwaves
  193. BBC back on 1233 in Wellington

Scanned clippings © Radio Heritage Foundation
Mark Nicholls Collection

Mark Nicholls was a keen DXer, Life Member of the New Zealand Radio DX League, and Editor of their magazine, the DX Times, for many years. He sadly passed away in 2014.

You can read a tribute to Mark on the NZRDXL’s website:

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