Rock to RAG-FM 107.7

Johny of RAG-FM asks us to tell the world about RAG-FM so here we go:RAG-FM its Top Music Top of the Dial, an LPFM radio station
broadcasting on the westerly airwaves.Snuggled in the heart of Raglan on the West Coast of the North Island
of New Zealand.Playing heaps of Country, old, new, revamped and popular Classic Rock.Do you remember the 60’s Surf Music? We do! We play it! You surf it!Rock’n’Roll, even all those great Oldies we all know and sing along
to!Specializing in the unique sounds that are home grown New Zealand
Music, Kiwi through and through….where?107.7 Top of the DialA sample of all genres to please the most discerning taste, young and
old alike can rock to RAG-FM 107.7.Check them out today at!A pleasure Johny. So world, go Rock to RAG-FM today!

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