2LT Lithgow – Macquarie’s Central Western Network Station

Radio Centre 2LT, controlled by Lithgow Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. and an offshoot of Western Newspapers Pty. Ltd. commenced entertaining its 26,000 town listeners on June 7th, 1938.
As Lithgow’s “Sunshine Station,” 2LT has won the confidence of listener and advertiser alike. The station maintains a strict policy of close co-operation between Station, advertiser and audience. Situated on the Great Western Highway, 2LT’s Transmitter is an important landmark for tourist traffic. Operating on a wavelength of 278 metres and a 1080 Kc frequency, the station is looking forward to the P.M.G.’s grant of 500 Watts to replace its 100 Watt aerial power of to-day.
Transmission hours: Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 a.m. to 11; 1 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. Sundays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Managing Director, E. J. Taylor; Manager, R. B. Hungerford; Chief Engineer, C. S. Emerton; Production and Announcing Staff, F. Harper, Miss S. Sewell (“Margaret”), Miss J. Miles, K. Lyons, L. Porter. Technical Staff, C. S. Emerton, K. Lyons.
As a Unit of Macquarie’s Central Western Network, 2LT brings its audience the finest programme-entertainment. Added to this is a selection of top-line local features including a one hour’s broadcast each Saturday night of the West’s biggest ballroom dance This is received by audiences well beyond the Station’s normal transmission range It is estimated that approximately 1000 persons attend these dances regularly every Saturday Night. Music is dispensed by the 2LT Radio Band.

© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation
Other Station outside interests include the 2LT Ladies’ Sunshine Club with an original membership of over 1000. Working for patriotic and charitable organisations, this Club has been responsible for many outstanding contributions to various funds. The newly formed 2LT Younger Set shows great possibility in providing entertainment for the younger members of the community and the 2LT Sunbeamer’s Club, already with a membership of over 2,000, continues to thrive.
Station Personnel
R. B. HUNGERFORD, Manager of 2LT, formerly Manager of 2MW Murwillumbah and 4GY, the Gympie, Queensland, Station; joined 2KO Newcastle, and transferred to 2LT in September 1943; appointed Manager in May, 1944; Responsible for the revision of a number of popular Station features included the 2LT Ladies’ Sunshine Club, Saturday morning Children’s Parties, formation of the Radio Band, 2LT Younger Set and numerous programme features.
F. HARPER, announcer-salesman was with the J. C. Williamson Company touring New Zealand and Tasmania. He has a very fine tenor voice and is well known to many Sydney audiences through his singing over the metropolitan stations.
L. PORTER: A new addition to the 2LT Staff; formerly with 2PK the Parkes Station; presents the early morning session on 2LT. He toured the world in 1938 and studied technical radio engineering on his return. Recreation, tennis, Hobby photography.
MISS S. SEWELL: “Margaret” of 2LT. A stalwart of the Ladies’ Club and originator of numerous features during the Women’s Session, which she conducts from 9.45 to 12.30 each morning. She is also responsible for the Sunbeamers’ Session on five afternoons a week, presenting her own original stories, and assisting in the Big Sunbeamers’ Saturday morning Party Recreations, swimming and tennis. Hobby, reading. Margaret has her own library of over 400 books.
JANET MILES as “Janet” conducts “Luncheon Lyrics” and various featured day-time programmes; is custodian of the Library and programme-selector; a keen supporter of the 2LT Younger Set, holds the position of Vice-President; takes an active part in the 2LT Sunbeamers’ Party and has appeared in a number of sketches. Recreations, cycling and physical culture. Hobby, music.
The Men Behind the Scenes
C.S. EMERTON, Chief Engineer, responsible for numerous improvements to the technical section of the station. having completely overhauled every component within a few months of his arrival. A pupil of the Marconi School, C. S. was appointed Chief Engineer in August 1943; a keen student of F.M. and Television.
K. LYONS: Joined 2LT staff December 1943 as Cadet-Engineer; a good all-rounder, can take his turn at any duty requested of him. A Saturday-nighter with listeners, does a spot of announcing as a sideline and has proved a firm favourite Recreation, football.
Introducing 2LT Lithgow, Macquarie’s Central Western Network Station,’ Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2009.
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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.