4VL Charleville – “The Voice of the Far West”

4VL - Charleville WE'RE AIR MINDED © Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47. Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Station 4VL is owned and controlled by the Charleville Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Alfred Street, Charleville. Studios and transmitter are situated at that address.

Since commencing operations on February 12, 1936, the policy of the station has been to maintain a position in the forefront in respect of studio presentation and programme technique and to maintain a balanced programme for Western listeners.

The Directors are: H. E. Barnes (Chairman), K. Millar, M. Burton, T. E. Stone, J. Binnie.

MANAGER: WALTER G. EXTON, who is well known in Queensland radio circles, was born and educated in Lismore, N.S.W. He is 34 years of age, and has been in radio since 1930. Mr. Exton was formerly associated with 2XN, 4AY and 4MB.

4VL radio advertising promotion
© Broadcasting and Television 1952, Radio Heritage Foundation

ANNOUNCERS: LIONEL CLARRY (morning session) keeps listeners entertained with his bright top-of-the-morning breakfast programme. He was formerly at 4BU and 4GY.

PAULINE FITZWALTER: Conducts the Women’s Session from 11 to 12 daily, Monday to Saturday. Pauline’s session covers the realms of recipes, helpful suggestions. fashion forecasts, prose and verse.

SPORTING COMMENTATOR: VAL McNAMARA, well-known club steward and keen student of racing and form. Val gives a racing commentary on three States every Saturday morning at 8.30. As a hobby, he keeps a large selection of Australian birds.

WAVELENGTH: 326 metres 920 kilocycles.
POWER: 200 watts.
COVERAGE: 450 miles in all directions.
OFFICE: Joyce Scott, Pauline Fitzwalter.
SECRETARY: J. F. Stephenson, Alfred Street.
AUDITORS: Max Burton and Co.

4VL listener confirmation card 1944
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

SALES REPRESENTATIVES: Toowoomba: Mrs. J. W. Stevenson, 39 Rome Street. Brisbane: V. T. Frawley, Box 1047N, G.P.0. Sydney: Fred Thompson, Asbestos House, 65 York Street, Melbourne: Stanford Allan, 247 Collins Street.

4VL – Charleville “The Voice of the Far West”, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.

Editor: C C Faulkner.

© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2009.

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