7DY Derby, North-East Tasmania

Playing an important part in Tasmanian country broadcasting since February, 1938, Station 7DY, situated near Derby, operates on 1450 kc/s. (107 metres) , with a power of 200 watts. Hours of transmission are: Mon. Sat., 4.30 – 10.5 p.m., Sun., 5.30 – 10.5 p.m. The North-Eastern unit of the Tasmanian Coastal Network, 7DY is associated with Stations 7BU, 7AD and 7QT, and is a co-operating station of the Macquarie Broadcasting Network.
The licence for 7DY is held by North-East Tasmanian Radio Broadcasters Pty. Ltd., with Head Office at 67 Brisbane Street, Launceston. Managing Director is A. P. FINDLAY. Station management is in the hands of H. R. (CLIFFE) PARISH, who is also night announcer. Other personalities are LEN PARISH, sales; JEAN RAINBIRD, who is heard in the late afternoon sessions; CLIFF EDWARDS, technician; and CHAS. SAUNDERS, local picture theatre proprietor, who handles outside broadcasts.
Every opportunity is taken to introduce into the 7DY programmes a wide variety of entertainment and features designed to render the most effective help to organisations for the welfare of the community and the progress of the North-Eastern district. In addition to assistance given to local War Loan committees in the broadcasting of appeals and rallies from various centres, £4,200 has been raised for Patriotic and Charitable appeals. The 7DY “Sunpolishers’ Club” has a membership of 2,900 juveniles, and gives valuable assistance in the efforts of the station on behalf of the sick and distressed.
In 1954, 7DY was closed down and the licence transferred to nearby Scottsdale as 7SD. Derby was the site of a tin mine when 7DY was on the air, and the entire station studio and equipment has been preserved as part of an ‘old shanty town’ at the Historic Derby Tin Mine Center.
If you visit Derby today, you can visit the original 7DY studios. Visit the Trail of the Tin Dragon website for tourist information.
7DY – Covering North-Eastern Tasmania, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.