2LM Lismore – The Feature Station

2LM is owned and operated by Richmond River Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. The Studios are situated in Molesworth Street, Lismore, and the transmitter in Ballina Road, Goonellabah. The licensed and operating power is 500 watts, wavelength 330 metres (900 kilocycles). The Station commenced operations September 21, 1936. Daily transmission hours, 16; transmitter, A.W.A. type J2221; studio equipment, A.W.A.
Directors are: C. M. Robertson (Chairman), E. Brand, J. McLean, J. C. McIntosh, Dr. A. J. Opie.
Executive Staff: K. Spencer, Manager; F. G. Jackson, Secretary; P. Le Brun, Studio Manager; H. Green, Chief Engineer; M. Kennedy, Programme Arranger. Advertising Staff: K. Spencer, Manager; Don Scriven, T. Crozier, M. Roberts.
Production and announcing Staff: P. Le Brun, Don Scriven, Tom Crozier, John James, Gloria Wells, Mollie Noonan, Kath. Muldoon. Administrative Staff: Mollie Noonan, K. Muldoon, L. Coop.
Technical Staff: Hec Green (Chief Engineer), C. Prideaux, G. Allen, J. Hudson, E. Rowe, B. Mason, A. Baines.
Transmission Hours: Monday to Saturday, 6.30 a.m. To 10.30 p.m. Sunday, noon to 3 p.m., 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
2LM, “The Feature Station” covers the most densely populated rural district in Australia, embracing such thriving centres as Lismore, Casino, Kyogle, Ballina, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby and smaller townships.
The station has a very fine line up of major programme features not to be excelled by metropolitan stations. A sponsored feature is presented almost every half-hour throughout each day and the night sessions are crowded with a fine variety.
A recent census revealed that each week between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. three one-hour, one threequarter-hour, fourteen half-hour and fifty-six quarter-hour sessions are presented, making a total of 24¾ hours of solid sponsored entertainment. The remainder of the time- 3¼ hours each week – is used to present the station’s News Services flashed from its representatives in the nation’s press-rooms.
2LM enjoys the support of listeners in the Richmond River District, evidence of which is contained in the weekly average of 1500 letters received paying tribute to the entertainment.
1945 proved an extremely busy year The greatest flood in the district’s history came in June. Almost every inhabitant for miles around driven from his home. 2LM cancelled its ordinary programme scheduled and broadcast messages for help continuously for seventy-two hours and this fact resulted in a minimising of damage and loss of life. Messages of appreciation poured in from as far south as Adelaide and far North as Cairns.
The Station’s “Victory Picnic” at Ballina on December 9 proved a great success, all attendance records in Ballina’s history being shattered. Fourteen thousand people travelled from centres within a radius of 50 miles of Lismore.
Not satisfied with what had already been an inordinately busy year, the station’s staff organised an appeal to buy Christmas presents for all hospital patients in the district. Six hundred hospital patients received parcels each to the value of 12/6. The administrative and announcing staffs, accompanied by district artists made a round trip of 250 miles by taxis to ensure that each patient received a parcel.
2LM Personalities
Entered Radio in 1932 with 3UZ Melbourne, about a year later transferred to Sydney to join Featureradio. Joined 2LM on its opening in 1936 and was appointed Advertising Manager and Announcer. For a period, subsequently, managed 4AY Ayr, returning to 2LM in 1940. Enlisted in R.A.A.F. early in 1941 and was appointed Manager of 2LM on his discharge in January, 1945. Hobbies Golfing and Fishing.
Studio Manager, left J. C. Williamson Ltd. and became radio minded when offered a position in 4BC, Brisbane. Later he transferred to 4BH. After two years of radio work there he was promoted to 4SB to officiate at the opening and organise the running of the new station. Joined 2LM in May, 1942. In between production duties is heard on the air and conducts the morning programme (9 a.m. to 11 a.m. ) regularly. Hobbies are Golf, Chicken-raising and Shooting.
Chief Night Announcer. Became interested in commercial radio in 1934 after association with the Ipswitch Amateur station VK4PK. Joined 4IP early in 1936 and later 4BK and 4MK. Enlisted in R.A.A.F. February, 1941, and after almost four years’ service joined 2LM in October, 1944. Specialty programmes “Request Hour” (daily 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.), “Choice of the People” (Sunday 9 p.m.) Hobbies: Gardening, Fishing.
Night and Specialty Announcer, formerly with 2KM Kempsey and 2LT Lithgow. Main interests, Reading, Writing. Finds this hobby useful in presenting the Afternoon Story thrice weekly. Other features in his 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. session Monday to Friday include “Little Theatre”, Hollywood News, and a popular competition – “Story in Song.” Unmarried – and proud of it.
Cadet Announcer joined 2LM as Control Operator in July, 1944 and graduated to Announcing Staff in June, 1945. Conducts early morning session (Monday to Friday 6.30 a.m. to 9 a.m.). Hobby is pulling things apart and putting them together again. Fond of any type of music and enjoys an occasional surf. Unmarred variety – but it shouldn’t be for long.
Mid-day and late afternoon announcer. Local girl who started in 2LM’s office at the age of 16 in 1939, taking over announcing duties soon after. Hobbies are Surfing, Dancing, Cycling. Highlights of her programmes include: Music for Youth, each afternoon at 12 noon, ” Afternoon Tea with Gloria,” 4 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily, “Musical Travelogue” and “Kitchen Quiz.”
MOLLIE NOONAN Specialty Announcer, recently rejoined 2LM after 4 years’ service in W.A.A.A.F. Commenced radio career in 1933 at 2GF Grafton. Joined 2LM on inception in 1936. Specialises in Children’s programmes. Established “Good Companions’ Club” membership of over 6000. Hobbies: Gardening and swimming.
2LM Lismore “The Feature Station” Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2010
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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.