5AD Advertiser Broadcasting Network

5AD Kangaroo Club logo © Cleve Costello Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

In its fourteen years of existence, the 5AD Kangaroo Club has enrolled 65,000 young members (‘KANGAS’) from all over Australia. Through its efforts on behalf of charitable organisations over £30,000 has been raised. Much of this was received during frequent concert tours in country districts, and in every case, the money was given to institutions in the locality.

The talent of juvenile entertainers has been fostered and developed in “Kangaroo Hour”, 4.45 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. daily except Sundays and in “Kangaroos on Parade”, regular Saturday night feature from 5AD. Many young professionals – most noted perhaps being Terry Howard and Ralph Peterson – owe their beginning in radio to an early training in Kangaroo Club sessions.

DICK MOORE – Uncle Richard to members of the Kangaroo Club – is 5AD’s Chief Announcer. After experience at 5SE, Mount Gambier, Mr. Moore was called to the city station to fill the position vacated by Jack Burgess. His cheery, easy manner has won the esteem of thousands of children.
CHARLES NORTON (“Uncle Charles”) and Roberta Russell (“Aunty Peggy”), on this page, have a long association with 5AD. Both contribute much to the enduring popularity of the Kangaroo Club. The ‘ideal night announcer’ with 10 years’ 5AD experience, Charles Norton is also Studio Supervisor.
ROBERTA RUSSELL, who has been in radio “since when”, was for many years “Aunty Peggy” in the children’s sessions from 5CL hack in the earphone days. She has been with 5AD, handling women’s interests, for nine years. Her presentation of kiddies’ stories is unexcelled.

Two surprises in the 5AD world of sport for 1945 were the granting of exclusive rights to broadcast major cricket descriptions from the Adelaide Oval and boxing descriptions from the Adelaide Stadium.

5AD recruited TED MADIGAN to handle the racing broadcasts and commentaries. This was Ted’s first racing assignment and he has had several years’ experience broadcasting country trotting events. His memory for facts – owners and jockeys – is remarkable.

STEVE McKEE, 5AD Sporting Editor, is one of the ablest sports commentators in Radio. A former champion interstate footballer, he now recounts from memory sports records and achievements at will with amazing accuracy and detail in “Information Please.”

He has been with 5AD ten years conducting sports sessions each week night and describing football, cricket and boxing.

Special Saturday night tennis commentator – GEOF. ROBERTS – was “A” Grade tennis player for many years. Geof. Roberts represented South Australia in Linton Cup matches and has played in England and on the Continent. He once beat G. L. Rogers, the Irish Champion who two weeks previously, had beaten Gerald Patterson, Australian Davis Cup captain.


5AD Adelaide promotional card detail
© Cleve Costello Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation
5AD ‘The Advertiser’ Broadcasting Network business advertisement 1939
© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection

5AD Advertiser Broadcasting Network, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.

Editor: C C Faulkner.

© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2011.

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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.

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