Broadcasting Station 2GN Goulburn

Station 2GN commenced operation on 25th January, 1932, and transmits on a wave-length of 216 Metres (1390 K/C’s.). Programmes include most of the best Metropolitan shows, either on relay or on disc, and the Station gives an uninterrupted trouble-free service to listeners in Goulburn and District. Station 2GN takes an active part in local civic affairs, and covers all important items of local appeal.

Back — Left to Right: Graham Stone, Evening Announcer; John Baden Powell, Breakfast Session Announcer and Salesman; A. S. Cochrane, Sunday Evening and Children’s Session Announcer.
Front :— Miss Val Wray, Senior Stenographer and Clerk; Miss Enid Jones, Announcer, Women’s Sessions; F. R. Pearce, Manager; Miss Gwen Wheatley, Announcer, Radio Matinee and Programme Arranger; Miss J. McCabe, Typist.
Transmission Hours: Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.; Monday to Saturday, 7 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.
F. R. PEARCE, A.M.I.R.E., Graduate of Marconi School of Wireless. Manager, Goulburn Broadcasting Company Pty, Ltd. Joined Amalgamated Wireless (A’sia) Ltd., January, 1921, and for a number of years engaged in General Office, Marine Accounts, Engineering and Service Departments. Transferred to Broadcasting Department at inception, and in 1931 appointed Engineer-in-Charge 2AY Albury. Then followed a few years’ travelling, during which time Mr. Pearce assisted the managers of the Company’s broadcasting stations at Bendigo, Albury and Grafton in sales promotion, announcing, transmitter duties and relieving Managers for holidays. In 1934 appointed Manager 2GN, transferred to 4CA Cairns as Manager, May, 1938. Enlisted with the 1st Australian Armoured Division Signals on 25th August, 1941, and later was attached to the Signals Unit of the 2/6th Aust. Armoured Regiment — the first Aust. Armoured Regiment to see action in the Buna, Milne Bay and Sanananda campaigns, landing with the advance party in Port Moresby in 1942, when the Japanese were only 30 miles from what was then the last Allied base north of Australia. In November, 1944, detached to 90th Aust. High Speed Wireless Section for operation outside Australia. Discharged December, 1945, and rejoined A.W.A. in present position. Married, one child.
A. S. COCHRANE, Australia’s pioneer announcer: Born at Violet Town, Victoria, the little village frequently visited by the Ned Kelly Gang. Mr. Cochrane commenced his broadcasting experience in December, 1923, when Farmer & Co. Ltd. obtained the first A Class licence to operate 2FC Sydney. The technical arrangements of 2FC were under the control of A.W.A. Ltd., transmitting from Pennant Hills and the studios were on the top floor of Farmer’s present premises. After the licence had been transferred to Union Theatres for some years, Mr. Cochrane resigned to become announcer for the new Council of Churches Station 2CH and transferred to A.W.A. when that company took over the management. Mr. Cochran came to 2GN Goulburn in 1942, where he is at present engaged as Sunday Evening and Children’s Session Announcer.
V. L. SHEARSTONE: Graduate Marconi School of Wireless, securing Broadcast Operator’s Certificate and joined Company in July, 1937. Posted to 2AY Albury, taking up duties as Technician-Announcer. Transferred to 2GN October, 1938, to fill similar position. Joined Army February, 1942 — saw service in Darwin —studied and instructed in Radar and Centimetre Communication work — discharged in November, 1945. Rejoined Company, reposted to 2GN. Married.
JOHN POWELL: Announcer-Salesman. Joined the Staff of 2GN in August, 1945. Previously associated with Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area Broadcating Station 2RG Griffith for a number of years, firstly as chief announcer and later as Production-Manager-Programme Director. He was linked with one of the first country actuality rural broadcasts in New South Wales country radio. Inaugurated South Western N.S.W. Quest for Radio Talent in 1938; specialised production live artist shows. Prior to joining 2RG was associated with well-known Sydney Amateur theatrical society and a member of the N.S.W. Debating Society. John conducts 2GN’s Breakfast Programme and comperes numerous outside broadcasts. Married — one child.
MISS ENID JONES: Announcer. Conducts 2GN’s Women’s Session; joined 2GN August, 1940. Enid’s original intention was to visit 2GN for a month, but the work associated with the Women’s Club, the delightful mountain climate and country life appealed so much that she prolonged the visit indefinitely. Her main recreation is golfing.
MISS JOSEPHINE McCABE: Typiste. Joined 2GN’s General Office Staff in July, 1944, and is responsible for the preparation of Advertising Schedules and Announcers’ Advertising Logs. Josie’s recreations include dancing, tennis, cycling and reading.
MISS GWEN WHEATLEY: Assistant Announcer and Programme Arranger. Conducts Radio Matinee from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Miss Wheatley joined 2GN in August, 1941. Her hobbies are music, horse-riding, swimming and tennis.
MISS VALMA WRAY: Senior Stenographer and Clerk. Has been with 2GN for nine years, and is in charge of the General Office Staff. Miss Wray handles all correspondence and is responsible for the mass of detail work associated with the efficient functioning of office routine, clients’ advertising reports and, advertising summaries. Her hobbies are swimming, dancing, cycling and tennis.
MISS JOY O’CONNOR: Typiste. Is the latest addition to the Office Staff; joined 2GN in April, 1945. Joy looks after the Birthday Club and Musical Items Broadcast for A.P.R.A. Returns. Is a swing fan and loves dancing. Her other recreations are tennis, horse-riding and cycling.
Broadcasting Station 2GN Goulburn, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2011.
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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.