4GY Gympie Broadcasting Co. Ltd

Original 4GY logo and letterhead from 1945 © Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

4GY is one of Australia’s newest broadcasting stations. It was officially opened on November 3, 1941 – three weeks before the outbreak of the Pacific War, and was therefore available to serve the local community at a time when it was most needed.

Although conditions were so uncertain in those dark days towards the end of 1941, 4GY immediately took the lead in raising money for patriotic funds and War Loans, in recruiting campaigns and all community war efforts.

Covering a closely-settled area with a population of 70,000, 4GY is the voice of a prosperous community, whose nett income exceeds £3,000,000 a year, derived mainly from such stabilised primary industries as dairying, tropical fruit growing, sugar cane and timber. The remarkable fertility and high productive capacity of the Gympie district produces a fruit and vegetable yield which is almost a third of Queensland’s total output.

The Quiz Kids – 4GY’s popular Sunday evening feature. Here the Quiz Kids forget their learning and joke with Tommy Burns, the Queensland champion. From left:- John Lambert (15), Leon Smith (13), Michael Connor (14), Yvonne Cossart (11), Nola Manning (15). The Quiz Kids emanate from 2GB, Sydney.


Ideally situated on a rise overlooking the City of Gympie, the modern A.W.A. 200-watt transmitter has been designed to cater for the presentation of all that is latest in broadcasting. The equipment includes a Lattice Steel Radiating Aerial 186 feet high.

New city premises were recently acquired in the modern Bank of New South Wales Building, which is in an imposing corner position in the main street.

Utilising the whole of the top floor of the building the arrangement includes four fine offices, an extensive programme library, a control room and two studios. Nothing has been spared to provide a most up-to-date and efficient set-up.

Patriotic appeals conducted by 4GY have, in all cases, produced results well above the average.

District sessions are presented five times weekly, covering all business centres of the rich Mary Valley and the North Coast as far distant as Maleny, approximately 50 miles away from the transmitter.

4GY first broadcast from this studio building
© 4GY Radio


S. L. FITTELL, Managing Director, pioneered broadcasting in this district from 1929 with Amateur Station 4JO, which became extremely popular because of the inability of local listeners satisfactorily to receive other stations. Eventually, after many representations, Mr. Fittell secured the licence for 4GY.

L. G. SMITH, Manager, an all-round broadcasting man with sales, announcing and engineering experience, was for several years Marine Radio Operator, tramping around the world. Mr. Smith is well known in the A.W.A. Network, having served on 3BO, 2GN, 2GF and 4WK.

Announcing Staff: E. K. CHIPPENDALL, R. E. GOLDIE, L. G. SMITH and Misses BERYL REED and JOY BLYTH. With the exception of L. G. Smith, who hails from Sydney, all are natives of Gympie, with an intimate knowledge of the requirements of local listeners.

General announcing is carried out by Eric Chippendall, Russell Goldie, Les Smith and Joy Blyth. Beryl Reed caters for the ladies with her popular Women’s Session.

The chief operating engineer is ERIC CHIPPENDALL, who has had extensive engineering and studio experience with several Queensland stations. PETER BRADY, one of Queensland’s most experienced and competent radio engineers, is maintenance engineer. They are assisted by Technician DUDLEY PHILLIPS and Cadet-Engineer GORDON KING. The qualifications and enthusiasm of the 4GY Engineering Staff ensures the high quality reception in the stations area of service.

4GY Gympie Broadcasting Co. Ltd, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.

Editor: C C Faulkner.

© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2011.

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