Early Australian Radio Personalities on 2KY Sydney

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The rapid progress which marked 2KY’s infancy has been maintained throughout its 20 years. To-day 2KY is in the front rank of Australian broadcasting stations. From its original staff of two, 2KY has increased its number to forty.
2KY is one of the first stations to have its own theatrette, namely the 2KY Radiotorium, from which Friday Frivolities have been broadcast, every Friday from l2 noon to 2 p.m. since 1939.
Location of Studios: Dymock’s Buildings, 428 George Street, Sydney. Inception of Station: October 25th, 1925. Power: 1,000 Watts. Wave Length 294 metres. Frequency, 1020 K.C. Hours of Broadcasting: 6.40 a.m. to l1.00 p.m. Monday to Friday; 6.45 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. Saturday; 7.30 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. Sunday.
Committee of Management: J. Kenny; R. A. King, M.L.C; R. D. Kelly, M.L.C; J. L. Austin; H; Burge; E. Wright, V. Hyland.
Manager: H. E. Beaver; Executives: Programme Manager and Musical Director, F. Witte; Sales, L. S. Decent.
2KY features include the description of the Dog Races on Saturday nights, also Wrestling from the Leichhardt Stadium; Sydney and Melbourne Races; all sporting results; community singing from 2KY Radiotorium every Friday at noon; “Can You Imagine That” Thursday nights at 7.30; “Airmail” 9 p.m. on Monday; Daily News Service; Women’s Session Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to noon; Breakfast session from 6.45 a.m. to 9.
H. E. BEAVER, manager of 2KY was one of the original staff of two. In those days Uncle Bert, as he was known to the children, was not only manager, but advertising manager, announcer, community singing leader and boxing commentator. Overcoming all obstacles he persevered, determined to make 2KY a real station. To-day he is at the head of a staff of 40.
JOHN HARPER, one of 2KY’s feature announcers, was with J. C. Williamson seven years, with Fullers 2 years, playing many parts from Juvenile lead with Moscovitch in “Trilby” to heavy villain in “Sons O’ Guns.” John was also associated with Gladys Moncrieff in various Musical Comedies. He has been with 2KY for fourteen years and is still termed “The playboy of the air.”
FRED WITTE, programme manager, gave up the Vaudeville stage nearly fourteen years ago to join 2KY as record librarian. Fred is an American by birth, but has been in Australia since 1924. After travelling through the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Tasmania and Australia, Fred says “Sydney is the best of them all.”
ERIC WALKER, one of 2KY’s Specialty announcers is back at the microphone after an absence of five and a half years with the R.A.A.F. Of the many sessions Eric has on the air his specials are “Walker’s Wanderings” on Monday night at 10 and “The Wandering Minstrel” Tuesday night at 9.45. Besides compering the Friday Frivolities, Eric describes the Wrestling from Leichhardt Stadium every Saturday night. Born in Sydney, he was engaged as a window-dresser until 1929 when he joined the 2KY staff as announcer. Eric is married, and has a daughter five years of age.
ROY JAMES has been in Radio about ten years; was previously at the Naval Dockyard, Cockatoo Island as Draftsman; has travelled extensively through Europe and England. Roy has a son who is a caricature artist on Truth and Daily Mirror. He joined 2KY staff as announcer in May, 1941. He was born at Pyrmont.
RION VOIGT, was born in York, England; joined 2KY staff in 1932; went to England in 1938 where he was employed by the B.B.C. Luxemburg Radio for a year. Rion then travelled to New Zealand and after two years at the microphone there, came back to 2KY in 1941. He enlisted in the army in 1942, and after four years service was discharged in January 1946, and is now back at 2KY. Ron has two children, a boy and a girl.
ANDY FLANAGAN, originator of 2KY “Sports Talks” in 1928 has had a successful session for 18 consecutive years. Andy holds a high place in the realm of radio sporting commentators. His ability to criticise the performances of Champions plus the authenticity of his information keeps him well up the ladder of success. “Sports Shorts” is on the air from 2KY every Friday at 8.30 p.m. and Saturday at 6.40 p.m.
EILEEN POWELL, who conducts 2KY’s Women’s Session brings to the microphone experience gathered during a long career in the political and industrial movement. Miss Powell is prominently associated with various women’s organisations and it was not surprising that in January 1945 she accepted an offer to join 2KY, delighted at the opportunity for closer contact with the woman in the home. Eileen introduces speakers on a wide variety off subjects, including literature, art, child guidance and community planning. The interest aroused is reflected in a large mail, which, read daily over the session, constitutes a popular “Women’s Forum.”
BILL McCOLL, who will shortly complete his fifth year at the 2KY microphone, was born in Sydney. After the North Newtown Intermediate High School, Bill spent the next eight years with Paramount Picture Company, Metro Goldwyn Mayer and the Sun Office. He always had a flair for radio announcing and finally got his opportunity at 2KY. His pert session is “Relax With Bill” every Wednesday night from 9 to 10.
BILL PERRYMAN, now in his seventh year at 2KY, is a well-known personality in the Radio World, and also in Musical Comedy, Grand Opera, Review and Vaudeville. He toured with J. C. Williamson’s Shows, and spent two years in China, India, Burma and Java with a Concert Party. He is a married man and the proud father of three children, two girls and a boy. Born in Melbourne, but says Sydney is the greatest place to settle down. Bill is 2KY’s morning man, being on the air every morning from 6.45 to 9.00 Monday to Friday.
‘2KY – World’s First Labour Station’ radio station profile, Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2005.
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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.