Amateur QSL Gallery : ZL2ADN Collection Radio Shacks

In the first of this new series, amateur radio stations from around the world that have worked ZL2ADN Palmerston North, New Zealand, are featured.

ZL2ADN operator John Stuart began listening as a keen shortwave and medium wave listener in the early 1940’s and over the intervening years worked many countries, territories, contest and special event stations.

Most amateur radio operators are keen to see the gear used by their overseas contacts, and here are some of the radio shacks from where signals have reached ZL2ADN in the South Pacific. These contacts extend over many decades and some of the operators featured may now be silent keys.

UA3VSX Igor A Blokhin, Vladimir, Russia
JL7BRH Hiroichi Ohta, Fukushima, Japan
ACØN Norman C McCourt, St. Louis MO, USA
DL8YS Heinz Mintrop, Leverkusen, Germany
EA5BD Jose Manuel, Valencia, Spain
VP8LP Bob McLeod, Goose Green, Falkland Islands
I8HAK Alfano Giovanni, Roccapiemonte, Salerno, Italy
EA7FST Andres Garcia Jimenez, Santa Fe, Granada, Spain
VE3GCO Garry Hammond, Listowel, ON Canada
4Z1GY Yoram Gottesman, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Y24UK Lothar Wilke, Ilmenau, German Democratic Republic
OM5MF Margita [Gita] Lukackova, Horny Pajer, Slovakia
SV1CQN Kostas Karakostas, Agrinio, Greece
SV9CVY Michael Dimitrakakis, Crete, Greece
DL2BCH Gabriele [Gaby] Graeter, Ahlhorn, West Germany
IZ4DIV Grzinao Scaglietti, Castelfranco Emilia, Modena, Italy
RN3ZZ Mike G Ilyukhin, Stary Oskol, Russia
TI5VR Bruce I Fleming, Alajuela, Costa Rica
OK2FD Karel Karmasin, Trebic, Czech Republic
SM4VPZ Lily Aspelin, Malung, Sweden
IK2CFB Paolo Piardi, Milan, Italy
G3CAQ Bill Moorwood, Wolverhampton, England
G2FUU Tommy Knight, Nazeing, England

We’re grateful to John Stuart ZL2ADN for his support of this project and for making his QSL collection available to document amateur radio contacts made within the Pacific and with the rest of the world. All images are © John Stuart Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

If you have amateur radio QSL cards, magazines or articles, photos or audio of amateur radio broadcasts heard in the Pacific since the 1920’s and want to make sure they’re kept safely for the future contact us and we’ll make sure they’re properly looked after.

Manawatu Amateur Radio Society [MARS]
NZART Branch 20

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