BOP FM Comeback

Music station’s bopping again

Michele McPherson

D’JP and Brent Ireland in BOP FM’s new studios on Spring St. Photo – Mark Mckeown.

Music lovers delight – local radio station BOP FM is back on the airwaves.

The station resumed full operations yesterday after being purchased by two local businessmen last month.

The men, from Dhatt Group, are silent partners.

Station manager Jason Pinkerton, otherwise known as D’JP, said the first day back broadcasting was “really exciting but really nerve-wracking”.

He returned to air on Saturday and said the station’s official first shift went smoothly despite the nerves. “It’s awesome to be back, we’re in a new space, have a great team and I’m looking forward to continuing this great station.”

D’JP has been voluntarily operating the station since it went into liquidation in late January.

As well as new ownership, the station has a new home – on Spring St, above House of Travel.

This is where listeners would now need to go to pick up competition prizes, D’JP said.

“The new studio is more practical than before, we’ve got two studios, a production and reception area and a sales area. “We’ve got great staff but we’re still looking for a sales rep and an experienced breakfast announcer.”

One of the station’s new staff is Adam Green, former Mai FM breakfast host.

Other returning favourites include Brent, who is on air from 2pm-4pm and D’JP, who is on air from 11am-2pm.

“This first week we’ve got some really great things coming up, Brent’s interviewing some pretty awesome people, like PnC, Tiki and a few more,” D’JP said.

BOP FM will continue to broadcast on 105.4FM. The station was launched in June 2009 and has a target audience of 20 to 39-year-olds and plays top 40 music including reggae, dub, punk and ska, with dance music at night.

© Bay of Plenty Times April 5th, 2011.

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