Retro Radio Dial: 1953 Africa SW Radio

Philips Radio Model 436-AN dial.

Share your own memories of African Radio

3205 FIQA Radio Tananarive Madagascar Tananarive
3251 Radio Dar es Salaam Tanganyika Trust Territory Dar es Salaam
3290 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
3318 FIQA Radio Tananarive Madagascar Tananarive
3320 SRBC Southern Rhodesia Salisbury
3340 Kampala Broadcasting Station Uganda Protectorate Kampala
3356 SABC Springbok Radio Union of South Africa Johannesburg
3370 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
3380 Radio St Denis Reunion St Denis
3390 OQ2AC Radio College Belgian Congo Elisabethville
3420 CR6RK Radio Clube do Sul Angola Angola Lobito
  CR7BM Radio Clube de Mozambique Mozambique Lourenco Marques
3480 CR7AB Radio Lourenco Marques Mozambique Lourenco Marques
3914 ZQP Central African Broadcasting Station Northern Rhodesia Lusaka
4770 CR6RG Radio Diamang Angola Dundo
4795 Radio Zanzibar Zanzibar Zanzibar
4800 NBS Nigeria Lagos
  SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
4806 CR6AA Radiodiffusora Lobito Angola Lobito
4807 CR5SC Radio Club de Sao Tome Sao Tome Sao Tome
4820 Radio St Denis Reunion St Denis
4826 ZQP Central African Broadcasting Station Northern Rhodesia Lusaka
4829 CR7BV Radio Clube de Mozambique Mozambique Lourenco Marques
4845 CSA93 Emissora Nacional Portugal Ponta Delgada, San Miguel, Azores
4855 VQ7LO Cable & Wireless Broadcasting Station Kenya Nairobi
4869 CR6RA Radio Clube de Angola Angola Luanda
4895 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
4900 NBS Nigeria Lagos
4915 ZOY Gold Coast Accra
4920 CR7BU Radio Laurenco Marques Mozambique Lourenco Marques
4945 SABC Springbok Radio Union of South Africa Johannesburg
4950 Radio Dakar French West Africa Dakar, Senegal
4980 OQ2AC Radio College Belgian Congo Elisabethville
5026 Kampala Broadcasting Station Uganda Protectorate Kampala
5033 CR6AA Radiodiffusora Lobito Angola Lobito
5042 CR6RF Radio Clube de Benguela Angola Benguela
5050 Radio Dar es Salaam Tanganyika Trust Territory Dar es Salaam
5770 ZCQ3 Seychelles Mahe
5838 CQM4 Emisora da Guinea Portuguese Guinea Bissau
5892 SABC Union of South Africa Cape Town
5895 Radio Clube de Cabo Verde Cape Verde Islands Praia, Isle of Santiago
5900 ZNB Bechuanaland Protectorate Nadeking
6006 CNR3 Radio Maroc Morocco Rabat
6007 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
6018 SRBC Southern Rhodesia Salisbury
6022 ELBI Liberia Monrovia
6024 Radio AEF French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
  Radio Brazzaville French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
6060 VQ7LO Cable & Wireless Broadcasting Station Kenya Nairobi
6080 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
6085 ESB Egypt Cairo
6095 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
6100 NBS Nigeria Lagos
6140 OTH Radio Congo Belge Belgian Congo Leopoldville
  VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
6160 Radio Algeria Algeria Algiers
6170 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
6172 FIQA Radio Tananarive Madagascar Tananarive
6200 ZOY Gold Coast Accra
6295 OTM1 Radio Congo Belge Belgian Congo Leopoldville
6437 SBS Radio Omdurman Anglo-Egyptian Condominium of Sudan Khartoum
6870 CR6RR Radio Diamang Angola Dundo
7070 CR6RR Radio Diamang Angola Dundo
7079 NBS Nigeria Enugu
7100 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7105 CR6RD Radio Clube de Huambo Angola Nova Lisboa
7106 CR6AA Radiodiffusora Lobito Angola Lobito
7110 Kampala Broadcasting Station Uganda Protectorate Kampala
7126 VQ6MI Radio Somali British Somaliland Protectorate Hargeisa
7135 CR6AA Radio Clube de Cabo Verde Cape Verde Islands Praia, Isle of Santiago
7142 CR6RN Radio Clube de Angola Angola Luanda
7150 OQ2AB Radio Elisabeth Belgian Congo Elisabethville
7160 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7161 CR6RB Radio Clube Benguela Angola Benguela
7170 Radio St Denis Reunion St Denis
7180 CR4AB Radio Clube Mindelo Cape Verde Islands St. Vicente
7193 Radio Africa-Maghreb Tangier International Zone Tangier
  Radio Africa-Tangier Tangier International Zone Tangier
7200 OQ2AC Radio College Belgian Congo Elisabethville
  Emissora de Radiodifusion Santa Isabel Spanish Guinea Santa Isabel, Fernando Poo Isl.
  VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7203 CR6RO Radio Clube do Bie Angola Silva Porto
7214 Radio Maroc Morocco Tangier
7215 Radio Abidjan French West Africa Abidjan, Ivory Coast
7220 ZQP Central African Broadcasting Station Northern Rhodesia Lusaka
  VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7230 CR6RM Radio Clube de Mocamedes Angola Mocamedes
  SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
7235 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7240 Radio Mogodishu Italian Somaliland Mogodishu
  VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7245 CR6RE Radio Clube de Malange Angola Malange
7250 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7255 SABC Union of South Africa Cape Town
7258 CR7IB Emissora do Aero Clube da Beira Mozambique Beira
7265 [British] Forces Broadcasting Station Kenya Nairobi
7270 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
7275 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
7280 Radio Douala French Cameroon Douala
7290 PAR2 Pan American Broadcasting System Tangier International Zone Tangier
7295 EA8AB Radio Club Tenerife Spain Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands
  SABC Springbok Radio Union of South Africa Johannesburg
7315 Radio Cotonou French West Africa Cotonou, Dahomey
7375 FIQA Radio Tananarive Madagascar Tananarive
7805 CR6RP Radio Clube do Cuanza Sul Angola Novo Redondo
8230 ZNB Bechuanaland Protectorate Mafeking
8300 CR6RH Radio Clube de Huila Angola Sa da Bandeira
9050 CR6RJ Radio Clube de Huila Angola Sa da Bandeira
  CR6RS Radio Diamang Angola Dundo
9210 OTH Radio Congo Belge Belgian Congo Leopoldville
9340 CR6RI Radio Diamang Angola Dundo
9380 OTM2 Radio Congo Belge Belgian Congo Leopoldville
9440 Radio Brazzaville French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
9490 SRBC Southern Rhodesia Salisbury
9500 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9502 CR6RB Radio Clube de Benguela Angola Benguela
9515 FIQA Radio Tananarive Madagascar Tananarive
9523 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
9530 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9545 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9475 ESB Egypt Cairo
9600 SABC Springbok Radio Union of South Africa Johannesburg
9610 SABC Union of South Africa Cape Town
9615 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9620 ETHA Radio Addis Abeba ` Ethiopia Addis Abeba
9632 CR6RL Radio Clube de Angola Angola Luanda
9635 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9650 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9655 OTC BNBS The International Goodwill Station Belgian Congo Leopoldville
9657 Radio Douala French Cameroon Douala
9670 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9680 SABC South-West Africa Service Union of South Africa Johannesburg
9685 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9700 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
9705 CR6RQ Radio Clube de Huambo Angola Nova Lisboa
9762 CR7BJ Radio Laurenco Marques Mozambique Lourenco Marques
9804 CR7BE Radio Clube de Mozambique Mozambique Lourenco Marques
9870 SABC Union of South Africa Johannesburg
  SABC International Station Union of South Africa Johannesburg
9900 SBS Radio Omdurman Anglo-Egyptian Condominium of Sudan Khartoum
9970 Radio AEF French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
11090 CSA92 Emissora Nacional Portugal Ponta Delgada, San Miguel, Azores
11670 OTH Radio Congo Belge Belgian Congo Leopoldville
11710 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
11720 OQ2AA Radio Leo Belgian Congo Leopoldville
  OTM4 Radio Congo Belge Belgian Congo Leopoldville
11760 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
11765 CR7BF Radio Laurenco Marques Mozambique Laurenco Marques
11830 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
11840 Voz de Angola Angola Luanda
11845 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
11870 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
11895 Radio Dakar French West Africa Dakar, Senegal
11900 OQ2AB Radio Elisabeth Belgian Congo Elisabethville
11940 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
11965 ESB Egypt Cairo
11970 Radio Brazzaville French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
14500 PAR2 Pan American Broadcasting System Tangier International Zone Tangier
15054 ETAA Radio Addis Abeba Ethiopia Addis Abeba
15090 MBS Mauritius Forest Side
15130 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15150 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15170 OQ2AA Radio Leo Belgian Congo Leopoldville
15200 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15230 SABC International Station Union of South Africa Johannesburg
15240 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15285 CR7BG Radio Clube de Mozambique Mozambique Lourenco Marques
15295 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15340 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15345 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15345 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15440 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
15595 Radio AEF French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
  Radio Brazzaville French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
  Radio Chad French Equatorial Africa Fort Lamy, Chad
17677 CR5SB Radio Club de Sao Tome Sao Tome Sao Tome
17770 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier
17840 Radio AEF French Equatorial Africa Brazzaville, Congo
21690 VOA Tangier International Zone Tangier

It Happened 1953

North Sea Floods kills thousands in Netherlands & UK
Jacques Tati releases his first M. Hulot film: Les Vacances de M. Hulot
Mau Mau attacks on settlers and Kikuyu tribe in Kenya
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Egypt declares republic status
King Mohammed V of Morocco exiled by France
King of Buganda [Uganda] exiled by UK
Nobel Peace Prize for Literature: Sir Winston Churchill
Playboy magazine
Pat Benetar
Pierce Brosnan
Alex Van Halen
Cyndi Lauper
Kim Bassinger
Hank Williams
Joseph Stalin
Alice Prin ‘Kiki de Montparnasse’
Django Reinhardt
Rene Fonck
Dylan Thomas
Registered Broadcasting Receivers
South Africa 620000
Algeria 250000
Egypt 234130
Morocco 220805
Tunisia 85197
Southern Rhodesia 50000
Gold Coast 19854
Angola 19000
Nigeria 17933
Kenya 16000
Madagascar 15034
Mauritius 15000
Tangier International Zone 15000
Belgian Congo 12000
Northern Rhodesia 12000
Mozambique 10951
Ethiopia 8400
Sudan 6000
French West Africa 4810
Reunion 4000
Tanganyika 3000
Liberia 2500
Somaliland 2000
French Equatorial Africa 1850
Zanzibar 600
Cape Verde 553

Favorite Movies of 1953: Your Personal Collection

From Here to Eternity

Roman Holiday

The War of the Worlds

Peter Pan

The Big Heat

Stalag 17

House of Wax

Little Fugitive

Julius Caesar

The Band Wagon

Top 20 Singles

  Artist Song
1 Percy Faith The Song from Moulin Rouge
2 Les Paul & Mary Ford Vaya Con Dios
3 Patti Page [How Much is] That Doggie in the Window
4 Eddie Fisher I’m Walking Behind You
5 Ames Brothers You, You, You
6 Teresa Brewer Till I Waltz Again with You
7 Les Baxter April in Portugal
8 Perry Como No Other Love
9 Perry Como Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes
10 Frankie Lane I Believe
11 Pee Wee Hunt Oh
12 Frank Chacksfield Ebb Tide
13 Nat King Cole Pretend
14 Richard Hayman Ruby
15 Stan Freberg St George and the Dragonet
16 The Hilltoppers PS I Love You
17 The Gaylords Tell Me You’re Mine
18 Julias La Rosa Eh Cumpari!
19 Tony Bennett Rags to Riches
20 Doris Day Anna

Top 5 Music Albums: Your Personal Collection

Classic Sinatra – His Great Performances 1953-1960

The Best Years of Our Lives 1953

Your Hit Parade: 1953

Blowing the Fuse: 29 R&B Classics That Rocked The Jukebox 1953

Hits of 1953 – Coronation Party

Reflecting on Africa

Top 10 Recommended Reading available right now:

Radio Congo: Signals of Hope from Africa’s Deadliest War

Hector Acebes: Portraits in Africa, 1948-1953

The Great 1953 Trek

The Diamond Smugglers

Theories of Africans: Francophone Literature and Anthropology in Africa

Zambia Then And Now: Colonial Rulers and their African Successors

South Africa in a Changing World

Algeria: France’s Undeclared War

In Tangier

Mau Mau and Kenya: An Analysis of a Peasant Revolt

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