2CK Cessnock “The Voice of the Coalfields”

Albert Ryan was the original 2CK manager.
© Broadcasting Business Yearbook of Australia 1939. Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

2CK is owned by Coalfields Broadcasting Coy. Pty. Ltd., constituted from a diversity of interests from the commercial and industrial community of the Coalfields and Newcastle. It is situated on the Maitland Road at approximately the centre of the mining area, and has been appointed Official Station of the Australian Coal & Shale Employees’ Federation. There are a quarter of a million people within 25 miles of the station, over 50,000 exclusive of Newcastle City.

A feature of 2CK’s community service is the broadcast of the Mining News, giving details of mines which will not be working, due to accidents, disputes or other causes. This information is supplied up to the minute by both miners’ officials and mine managements. The Mining News Sessions are broadcast thrice daily – at 5.34 a.m., 6.15 p.m., and 9.0 p.m., rendering an essential service that formerly was carried out in individual towns by a “Town Crier.”

To cater for the unusual hours observed by the mining community, 2CK goes on the air at 5.30 a.m. and broadcasts the first news service in the Commonwealth at 5.45 a.m. on relay from the “Newcastle Herald.” All National news services are followed by local and district news, with particular regard for the interests of the mining community.

CK sent this confirmation card in 1944.
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
2CK ad from 1939, the year the station opened.
© Broadcasting Business Yearbook of Australia 1939. Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

Racing and other sports are catered for by broadcasts on Saturdays and holidays of the 2UW racing and sports session, with Keith Dunbier and Eric Welch at the microphone as racing commentators. The “Daily Telegraph” Sports Parade is a feature every Friday night, exclusive to 2CK in the district, and district sport is well covered in various sessions by local experts.

Programmes otherwise are normal for country communities, and 2CK enjoys a good share of preference among 1ocal listeners. The mining community is intensely loyal to its ideals, and 2CK is regarded as its “own station.”

2CK’s power is 300 watts in the aerial; its wave-length is 205 metres, and transmitting hours are as follow:-

Monday to Friday: 5.30 a.m. to 11 a.m., 5.30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday, 5.30 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sunday, 9.0 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Manager, A. J. Ryan. M.I.R.E. (Aust.).

With resumption of peace-time conditions increased transmitting hours are projected as well as other developments, which are now becoming possible, but are not available for this issue.

2CK – Cessnock “The Voice of the Coalfields” Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.

Editor: C C Faulkner.

© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2006.

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I’m embarrassed to be here. I’m waiting for the state radio sponsor to arrive. He’s late. Please just ask me to go away. I’m cheap.

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