4TO Townsville, North Queensland

Station 4TO Townsville commenced operation on 5th October, 1931. It transmits on a wave-length of 384 Metres 780 K/C’s. The Station serves a wealthy and progressive area and gives trouble-free reception to listeners in its service area.
Hours of transmission: –
Sundays: 8 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. Monday to Saturday: 6 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.
Most of the best Shows are heard on 4TO. The Station receives strong support from National and Local Advertisers, and the main programmes are either heard on relay or on disc.
Personalities on 4TO include: –
JOHN P. BANNEY: Manager. Age 47 years. Born Grafton, N.S.W., 1899. Joined A.W.A. 1921. Served on numerous ships as Wireless Officer, came ashore into broadcasting from T.S.S. Morella. Four years Manager 3BO, two years Sales Staff A.W.A., Melbourne, two years Control Room 2CH, two and half years Manager 4TO.
MURRAY HULETT: Station announcer. Age 39 years. Born Tocumwal, N.S.W. Joined 4TO January, 1945. Held positions Metal Industries Metallurgy-Chemistry, Hotel Proprietor. Joined A.I.F. 1940, served Middle East, Syria and Western Desert. Demobilised 1942.
MISS VALERIE ILLICH, A.A.S.A.: Announcer. Age 21 years. Joined 4TO 1942 as Typiste. Graduated to Woman Announcer-in-Charge. Holds Associate Diploma of Art of Speech of Australia. Single. Hobbies: Piano, music, reading.
J. F. FINCH: Accountant, age 27 years. Born May 5, 1919, Sydney, N.S.W. Joined A.W.A 1933. Served in various Departments. Enlisted R.A.A.F. June, 1941, and served in Canada, England, Middle East and Italy. Total Overseas Service four years. Demobilised September, 1945, and resumed duty as Accountant at Station 4TO. Married. Hobby: photography.

Back Row L to R: Ettie Venn (Typist), Maureen Laverty (Typist), W. Burnett (Junior Clerk), Jack Finch (Accountant), Vic Foley (Announcer), Murray Hulett (Announcer)
Front Row: Marie Glew (Copywriter), Jean Mitchell (Librarian and Announcer), Valerie Illich (Chief Woman Announcer), John Banney (Manager), Miss Shirley Davidson (Typist and Woman Announcer – not shown).
4TO – Townsville Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners’ Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.
Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2006.