Using the vast resources of the Foundation and its Radio Heritage Partners, there are many opportunities for radio and TV documentaries and items for a wider audience.
We approach these in three streams
- radio and TV/Film projects of our own
- radio and TV/Film projects in partnership with others, initiated by either ourselves or someone else
- research, resources and assistance to others
We’re currently developing criteria for each stream so this is only a general introduction. Please contact us if you have specific queries right now.
Radio New Zealand International
Previously, a series of eight radio documentaries were broadcast over Radio New Zealand International during 2004-2014 covering a variety of topics. These were heard in the Mailbox program and versions of each documentary can be heard or downloaded here along with an automatically generated license for non-commercial personal use (as of early 2005).
Broadcasters interested in using the documentaries should contact us. We encourage and welcome inquiries. For example, the 20 minute documentary on 1ZM has already been broadcast over the global radio network of Adventist World Radio, WRMI Miami and via Radio Canada International DRM transmission.
An audio archive of these documentaries can be found by clicking here.
Radio New Zealand International. Radio New Zealand International is a Radio Heritage Partner and has been broadcasting to the Pacific since 1948.