WRMI’s 10th Anniversary

This article was originally aired over Adventist World Radio’s “Wavescan” program. Copyright to the author, Adrian Peterson

Radio station WRMI in Florida, Radio Miami International, is a very progressive commercial shortwave station and it is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary. The managing director of station WRMI is Jeff White who is the past president of NASB, the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters, and he is the new Chairman of DRM, Digital Radio Mondiale in the United States.

Even though WRMI in Miami is now just 10 years old, yet its earliest origins go back to another location a further eleven years earlier. It was in Chicago in1983 that Radio Earth was founded for the purpose of producing shortwave programming and making it available for broadcast on available shortwave stations with coverage in North America.

During this initial eleven year period, the programming of Radio Earth & Radio Discovery was heard over several shortwave stations in the United States, such as WRNO in New Orleans, WHRI on the edge of Indianapolis, and KCBI near Dallas in Texas. As the new shortwave service grew, this programming was heard also over Radio Clarin in the Dominican Republic and Radio Milano International in Milan Italy.

It was at this stage that Adventist World Radio, AWR-Asia in Poona India came into the picture. Occasional programming from Radio Earth was included into the old AWR DX program, “Radio Monitors International”, and this DX program “RMI”, was included regularly into the shortwave scheduling of Radio Earth.

It became time for them to establish their own shortwave station, and so plans were amde for the launching of station WRMI in Miami Florida. The first open-carrier test-broadcasts from the new WRMI were made from a temporary transmitter, a modified old military unit, on November 11, 1993. Test broadcasts from the 50 kW Wilkinson transmitter that was imported from the Dominican Republic commenced soon afterwards. When all of the necessary technical adjustments had been completed, including the suppression of an unwanted harmonic, the station implemeted a regular broadcast schedule on June 14, 1994, just 10 years ago last Monday.

Station WRMI is currently heard with a regular daily schedule on three different shortwave channels as follows:-

9955 kHz 0900 – 1200 UTC Daily
15725 1200 – 2300 Daily, with variations on weekend
7385 2300 – 0900 Daily, with variations on weekend

Over a period of time, station WRMI has been noted with a program relay from many different organizations, including for example, Radio 16 Desanm in Haiti, Radio Prague International from the Czech Republic, and Vatican Radio in Europe. In addition, WRMI also carries a downlink relay from the satellite service of the World Radio Network in England, and many stations throughout the world can be heard in this relay, including Radio Japan in Tokyo, China Radio International in Beijing, and Radio Australia in Melbourne.

The lengthy series of digital-analog broadcasts on behalf of the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters, NASB, is nearing the end of its tenure, though they can still be heard for a few weeks longer on Saturday nights in North America at 0230 UTC on 7385 kHz. The AWR DX program, “Wavescan ” with all of its almost 500 editions has also been heard regularly each week from WRMI over the past 10 years.

For a period of a little over two years, much of the programming from station WRMI was also heard on a delayed relay from station HRJA in Tegucigulpa Honduras. This 1 kW transmitter was operated by Radio Estereo Amistad and it was intended to grow into a major relay service for coverage into North America. However, the transmitter was removed from service for modification on October 31, 1995, but this station never did return to the shortwave bands.

Radio Miami International is noted as a very reliable verifier and many listeners in the Americas, Europe, and the South Pacific own prized QSL cards from this station. The AWR collection contains more than 50 QSL cards and letters from the shortwave services of Radio Earth, Radio Discovery, station WRMI, Radio Copan, and the NASB.

We here at Adventist World Radio salute Radio Miami International WRMI, on the occasion of their 10th anniversary; and we also express gratitude for the fact that WRMI and its additional shortwave services have carried more than 600 editions of the AWR DX programs, “Radio Monitors International” & “Wavescan”.

Radio Earth & Radio Discovery


Year Date Event Reference
1980s Radio Earth founded, program & distribution WRMI NR
1983 Jun 1 Radio Earth began on Radio Clarin, 1st broadcast SWG 4-85 10, REI NR
1983 Jun 2 Radio Earth International due to commence from Clarin 11700 50 ADXN 6-83 1
1983 Jun 2 Radio Earth International studios on Curacao ADXN 6-83 1
1983 Oct 31 Radio Earth left Clarin began on WRNO REI NR 19-9-84;WRTVHB 1984 601
1984 Jan Radio Earth Presents “The World” ADXR 1-84 1
1984 Jul Radio Earth on 6185 kHz Schedule
1984 Sep Radio Earth leaves WRNO, re-negotiates with WRNO ISWLPG 6&7-84 42
1984 Sep Radio Earth moving to Radio Clarin live 11700 kHz Schedule 24-9-84
1984 Sep Radio Earth begins tests from Radio Milano International Schedule 24-9-84
1985 Sep 1 Radio Earth begins on Radio Milano International 7295 kHz 5 kW REI NR
1984 Sep 10 WRNO dropped Radio Earth “The World” contract end 31-12-84 SWG 10-84 4
1984 Sep 24 Radio Earth “”The World ” begins on Radio Clarin 11700 REI NR 19-9-84
1984 Oct AWR “Radio Monitors International” begins with Radio Earth Schedule 24-9-84
1984 Nov Radio Earth negotiates to lease Radio Clarin SWG 11-84-5
1984 Dec Radio Earth tour to Curacao RE NR 1984
1984 Dec 31 Contract with WRNO due to end SWG 10-84 4
1985 Mar 31 Final broadcast from Radio Clarin SWG 4-85 10
1985 Mar31 Programming ended on Radio Clarin, plans for Miami station REI NR 10-4-85
1985 Dec Plans for 25 kW SW station on Curacao ASWLC 12-85 8
1985 Dec After 2.5 years leased time, 25 kW has been bought ASWLC 12-85 8
1985 Dec Transmitter modificatton in Iowa ASWLC 12-85 8
1985 Dec 25 kW , TMC similar to CHU & WWV Kahn stereo ASWLC 12-85 8
1986 Mar Mid Radio Discovery on air 50 w 6245 & 15045, soon higher power ASWLC 7-86 5
1987 Aug 3 Schedule to America & Europe on WHRI 7355 ASWLC 10-87 24
1987 Aug 10 New schedule on 7355 9525 7400 6000 Schedule Radio Earth
1988 Jan Radio Earth now 4 years old ODXA 1-88 22
1992 Feb WHRI WWCR WRNO skeds arranged into combined schedule ODXA 2 -92 14
1992 Mar Radio Clarin 50 kW Santo Domingo activated test transmissions ADXN 5-92 8
1992 Apr 50 kW transmitter purchased from Radio Clarin Dominican Republic WRMI NR
1992 May 25 WRMI to be launched soon IBC 25-5-92
1992 Aug 24 Hurricane Andrew, emergency programming battery power in studio WRMI NR
1992 Dec 1 New schedule on WRNO WHRI WRMI NR
1993 Oct 29 Final broadcast of Radiio Deasnm from Haiti WRMI NR 10-93
1993 Nov Call request as HRVC WRMI L 23-11-90
1993 Nov On air with “Voice of the Caribbean” as experimental station WRMI L 23-11-93
1994 Feb 10 KWHR new Vietnamese program begins WRMI NR 7-2-84
1994 Feb WRNO La Voz de Cuba & RadioDesanm on air WRMI NR 7-2-84
1994 Feb WHRI La Voz de la Fundacion, Alpha 66, Deasnm on air WRMI NR 7-2-84
1994 Mar New schedule for WHRI WRNO KWHR WRMI NR 26-3-94
1995 Mar Schedule on WHRI WWCR KWHR WRMI NR 31-3-95
Radio Miami International – WRMI


Year Date Event Reference
1989 Radio Miami International formed, brokerage service WRMI NR
1991 Jul Application to FCC for CP for SW station WRMI NR
1991 Dec CP received from FCC WRMI NR
Request to FCC for usage of 10 kW instead of 50 kW WRMI NR
1992 Mar Radio Clarin 50 kW Santo Domingo activated test transmissions ADXN 5-92 8
1992 Apr 50 kW transmitter purchased from Radio Clarin Dominican Republic WRMI NR
1992 May 25 WRMI to be launched soon IBC 25-5-92
1992 Jun FCC approval to commence test broadcasts on 9955 ADXN 6-02 8
1993 Jul Mid Transmitter building completed WRMI NR 7-94
1993 Oct Test broadcasts planned for end of October WRMI NR 10-94
1993 Nov 11 1st test broadcast 400 w WRMI L 18-11-93
1993 Nov 13 1st test 2048 UTC 9955 kHz 350 w transmitter Phone call
1993 Nov Tests since last November on low power WRMI NR 7-2-94
1993 Nov Old military transmitter as standby, same as WRNO WRMI phone call
1993 Nov Studios Suite 252, 8500 SW B St, Miami FL WRMI NR
1993 Nov Transmitter 50 kW Wilkinson 9955 corner reflector 160 degrees WRMI NR
1993 Nov LP tests 400 – 500 w now on air WRMI Letter 23-11-93
1994 Apr 1 Friday, 1st on air test open carrier centered on Barranquila & B Aires WRMI NR
1994 Apr Audio tests a few days later WRMI NR 5-4-94
1994 Apr FCC message over weekend 12th harmonic 119.45 aircraft WRMI NR 11-4-94
1994 Apr Test broadcasts, harmonic problem WRMI NR 10-6-94
1994 May Test broadcasts resumed WRMI NR 10-8-94
1994 May 12th harmonic corrected, now back on air with tests WRMI NR 16-5-94
1994 Jun 8 Authority received from FCC to begin regular programming WRMI NR 10-8-94
1994 Jun 14 Regular programming to begin at 0100 UTC WRMI NR 10-6-94
1994 Jun 14 New program schedule 0100-0400 UTC 9955 kHz WRMI NR 11-6-94
1995 Oct Some HRJA programs now on WRMI while HRJA off air WRMI L 9-10-95
1995 Oct 31 Last day HRJA 15675 closed, new transmitter planned WRMI NR 27-10-95
1995 Oct All HRJA programs now on WRMI WRMI NR 27-10-95
1995 Oct Plans for additional antenna for North America WRMI NR 27-10-95
1997 Mar CP received rotatable log yagi, 2* Toronto, 284* Hermosillo WRMI NR 14-3-97
1997 Apr 2nd antenna under installation WRMI NR Apr 2 1997
1999 Jun 19 1st tests on 7465 kHz WRMI QSL sheet
1999 Nov Move from 7460 to 7385, Norway on 7465 WRMI NR 24-11-99
2000 Apr New schedule, 7385 North America WRMI NR 5-4-00
2001 Mar 1 Schedule shows 7385 9955 & 15725 WRMI Schedule
2001 Jun Schedule shows 7385 9955 & 15725 WRMI NR 2-6-01
2001 Sep Schedule shows 7385 9955 & 15725 WRMI NR 13-11-01

Radio Miami International – Studios


Year Date Location Reference
1983 Radio Earth, Evanston Illinois SWG 4-85 10
1983 Jun 2 Radio Earth International studios on Curacao ADXN 6-83 1
1984 Sep Radio Earth usage of Radio Clarin studios Schedule 24-9-84
1993 Studios Suite 252, 8500 SW B St, Miami FL WRMI NR
175 Fontainebleau Blvd, Suite 1N4, Miami FL Website

Radio Miami International – Transmitters

Unit Year Date Information Reference
TMC 25 kW Transmitter
1985 Dec Plans for 25 kW SW station on Curacao ASWLC 12-85 8
1985 Dec After 2.5 years leased time, 25 kW has been bought ASWLC 12-85 8
1985 Dec Transmitter modificatton in Iowa ASWLC 12-85 8
1985 Dec 25 kW, TMC similar to CHU & WWV Kahn stereo ASWLC 12-85 8

Military Transmitter
1993 Nov 11 1st test broadcast 400 w WRMI L 18-11-93
1993 Nov 13 1st test 2048 UTC 9955 kHz 350 w transmitter Phone call
1993 Nov Tests since last November on low power WRMI NR 7-2-94
1993 Nov Old military transmitter as standby, same as WRNO WRMI phone call
1993 Nov LP tests 400 – 500 w now on air WRMI Letter 23-11-93

1993 Nov Transmitter 50 kW Wilkinson 9955 kHz WRMI NR
1994 Apr 1 Friday, 1st on air test open carrier to Barranquila & B Aires WRMI NR
1994 Apr Audio tests a few days later WRMI NR 5-4-94
1994 Apr FCC message over weekend 12th harmonic 119.45 aircraft WRMI NR
1994 Apr Test broadcasts, harmonic problem WRMI NR 10-6-94
1994 May Test broadcasts resumed WRMI NR 10-8-94
1994 May 12th harmonic corrected, now back on air with tests WRMI NR 16-5-94
1994 Jun 8 FCC authority received begin regular programming WRMI NR 10-8-94
1994 Jun 14 Regular programming to begin at 0100 UTC WRMI NR 10-6-94
1994 Jun 14 New program schedule 01200-0400 UTC 9955 kHz WRMI NR 11-6-94

2004 Currently under modification for use as 2nd channel WRMI Email
Radio Miami International – Antennas


Unit Year Date Reference
Corner Reflector
1993 Nov LP tests with new antenna 400 – 500w WRMI Letter 23-11-93
1993 Nov 50 kW Wilkinson 9955 corner reflector 160 degrees WRMI NR

Rotatable yagi style log periodic
1995 Oct Plans for additional antenna for North America WRMI NR 27-10-95
1997 Mar CP received rotatable log yagi 2* Toronto 284* Hermosillo WRMI14-3-97
1997 Apr New antenna under installation WRMI NR Apr 2 1997

Radio Miami International – Frequencies


kHz Year Date Reference
9955 1993 Nov 11 1st test broadcast 400 w WRMI L 18-11-93
1993 Nov 13 1st test 2048 UTC 9955 kHz 350 w transmitter Phone call
1994 Jun 14 Regular programming to begin at 0100 UTC WRMI NR 10-6-94

7465 1999 Additional channel for daily usage WRMI Email
1999 In use for one transmission period, then move to 7460 WRMI Email

7460 1999 One transmission period, Norway-Denmark on 7465 WRMI Email
1999 Nov Move from 7460 to 7385 WRMI NR 24-11-99

7385 1999 Nov Move from 7460 to 7385 Norway on 7465 WRMI NR 24-11-99

15725 2001 Mar 1 Additional channel for North America WRMI Schedule

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